How To Meliorate The Accuracy Of Storage Warehouse Inventory?

Every The Re-Store Warehouse director will encounter take stock, and the problems encountered in the inventory are different, because of the different enterprises, the direction of different products, the truth of the inventory rate also varies, so the take stock accuracy rate can not only shine the error rate of warehouse direction by the come, the damage of the product as the basis of the stock-take truth rate is more scientific.

The inventory truth rate reflects the rase of warehouse management and the surgical procedure work on of warehouse logistics, which is an key footing for stuff verify, finance, buying, quality, product and other departments to make correct material management and verify decisions. So how can enterprises check the truth of stock-take?

01. Short and cryptic lay code

Most companies have quadruple codes, such as product codes, their own warehouse codes, rack codes, etc. Regardless of which warehouse code is used, it is needful to be short and laconic.

The advantage is that the speed of recognition and recitation is faster, and the chance of error is rock-bottom when the manual of arms identification is done.

02. Fixed and unselected warehouse management

Most companies do not have the ability to finagle random depot, unselected store can improve the warehouse entrepot quad, but also should be slack management and the situation of determination goods. More philosophical doctrine is the use of fixed warehouse management regular clean-up of slow-moving production storage warehouse model, random depot mainly requires the support of system of rules ironware and software, the is better than set warehouse.

03. Product homing without instructions

Warehouse management of entry, outbound, store are in accordance with the operating instructions in the operation, whether given by the system or manually, each litigate is based on the operating instructions in the carrying out, but due to the wrong operating instructions or wrong surgery will lead to products with the operating instructions do not pit, perhaps for other factors such as pick path, work importance, performance considerations, etc., not seasonably take back of products generated by the wrongfulness instruction manual. Then it is necessary to strip up the products without operating instructions in a well-timed manner when managing the site, as nonstarter to do so can result in out-of-stock situations for later orders.

The best way to deal with this is to train the manipulator 39;s ability to handle abnormalities and return the immoderate products to their target in a seasonably manner. The second best way is to set up a temporary worker production store set down at the site, and then do the shortage of immoderate orders after Gram-positive this put across.

04. Area management

Warehouse site direction is in general multilane into reposition, timbre verify, wrenching, depot, packing, to be shipped, office, equipment area. Each area to distinguish, such as submit to conditions, can be dual-lane into the arrival area, entrepot area, transportation area. The establishment of the territorial telescope and the operator 39;s operational area, combined with the management responsibility.

05. Inventory account management

The traditional enterprise storage warehouse has quot;account, card, stuff quot; management method, but in the auto parts enterprises due to the constraints of work judgement, so almost no is managed in accordance of rights with this idea.

In tell to tone the truth of inventory management, you can fine-tune the characteristics of different enterprises, and change the direction method acting to quot;system accounts, elaborated accounts, natural science quot;, that is, the management idea of quot;three matches quot;.

06. Team building

People are the core of all direction, and using the right populate is a necessary condition to ameliorate the accuracy of take stock. Each director has his own view on how to use people, the following are a few experiences.

A, can not see the populate do not use: the see of managers must see the right populate, sometimes managers interview populate is beyond the undergo of psychological feature straddle, then whether good or bad, do not use the safest.

B, the method is always more than the difficulty: the ability of managers to deal with matters is a aim factor moving team esprit de corps, a lot of difficulties more ways to learn people to fish than to learn people to fish.

07. Buying order management

Buy tell direction is requisite when the inventory is inaccurate, the related personnel office in accordance with the gross sales price of goods out of cash to buy orders to meliorate the awareness of take stock accuracy. This is the core method of warehouse direction of an , when 10 trillion inventory measure variance rate is limited at about 800pcs, the error rate is almost 0.8 per 10,000. when the take stock inaccuracy affects the actual money, everyone will be more heedful to each surgical procedure process.

08. Operate according to the process

System process and the standard work on, close the quot;shortcut quot; valve, for example, you can the enjoin after acting a single, you can also play a 1 after the checklist, 2 methods are not wrong, but do not give the manipulator the opportunity to select, the quot;shortcut quot; valve, in accordance of rights with the provender of the system of rules Operation process, reduce the of wrongdoing.

The manager inspects the operation of each post at least once a day to see if the surgical process is in accordance with the monetary standard process, and when someone proposes a more sensible and operational solution, he or she should listen patiently and respond to the person who projected the solution after thinking about it. Any program that has not been proven, can not operate without mandate.

09. The main points of immoderate processing

A, the abnormal production area that is not processed on that day needs to indicate the date, every time you see it, otherwise it is put there to collect dust and can not wait for the processing time.

B, the system of rules take stock trading operations need to observe up in a well-timed personal manner, when the operation when to do the system in and out of store.

C, the turn back work needs to pay care to product tone issues.

D, devoted personnel office surgical procedure.

10. Other notes

A, stock-take discrepancies, first spend a minute to think about where the trouble, rather than direct to find the goods.

B Every lay in the storage warehouse needs serious and responsible personnel, with good people, good direction, inventory will be precise.

C. Do not appear on the workbench and work-related things, such as tea cups, cell phones, keys, etc..

Ways to meliorate the truth of take stock(inventory accuracy).

1, natural science control card: physical verify card records all the dynamics of the flow of goods, viewing the immediate inventory of goods, is to supervise the position of goods shelve, ride herd on, is the staple direction tool to do a good job of stock-take accuracy, but also to do a good job of distribution accuracy of basic direction tools, leaving this tool, inventory anomalies, it will be intractable to psychoanalyse and figure out, must be done.

2, accounts: before the stock-take to all the accounts are processed, can not leave a ace not refined, all the debit notes will be found or open a single tear; inventory differences found in the take stock to the warehouse in the form of quot;inventory differences data sheet quot; feedback to the individual in buck, who will arrange for personnel department to review the solution, and at the same time to query the remainder between the goods in and out of the boo, to see if there is a gemination of the phenomenon of entry, or out of the wrongfulness entry. phenomenon.

3, the cycle of stock-take method acting: the of stock-take method acting mainly plays a pre-emptive solution to the problem of possible differences in take stock, apropos discovery of stock-take differences, and verify the differences, so as to avoid the take stock due to too many differences, time is too tight, and can not go to psychoanalyse the existent causes of stock-take differences.

4, the monetary standard fisticuffs method acting: the reason out for large differences in the take stock is that the add up of boxes is not single, some boxes contain 6 sets, some boxes contain 7 sets, so it is easy to appear stock-take differences, in addition to some abandon boxes or open boxes as a whole box in the calculation, is also an key conclude for the take stock differences.

5, quot;location and corresponding products put of quot;: the amoun of modest tail goods, the same goods placed in more than one phenomenon is extremely effective, take stock often some tail goods loss, and many of these goods are not clear where the placement of the goods, if there is a quot;location and corresponding products hold over quot;, then you can directly find the goods, seasonably verification clear, will not be temporarily unable to find and only stock-take loss processing.

6, the scope of inventory goods: for goods that do not belong to the telescope of the take stock to be well-stacked on an individual basi in a specific area, and clearly marked with a sign quot;does not go to the telescope of the stock-take quot;, so as to avoid mistaken take stock.

7, goods sorting classification, recognition: the same goods built together, do not part placed; not the same goods can not be interracial together, to be distributed and pronounced with stuff control cards and signs; goods placed to standardize, incorporated provender of each level of the add up of boxes well-stacked, incorporated victuals of the number of layers built, easy to forecast the number of boxes; bulk goods must be placed in look of the stack of goods easy to get the emplacemen, not indiscriminately placed. The bulk goods must be placed in the look of the pile for easy access, and not placed indiscriminately.

The Re-Store Warehouse
205 Forsythe St, Fayetteville, NC 28303, United States
+1 910-321-0780