Top Ten Tips in Applying Fake Tan 

Play it safe people. If you think the deal is to good to be true, or if the price is way to cheap something is wrong. Counterfeit and how to get a fake id items are very easy to spot as they sell for a fraction of the price the real thing would sell for. Don’t make the same mistake thousands of people just like you have already made. Don’t sell fake or counterfeit goods thinking you are not breaking the law. Because you are!

Most countries have strict rules against making or selling counterfeit goods. Other countries could care less. The funny thing is; most countries make counterfeit goods illegal to sell, but it’s okay to have it in your possession in small quantity. I don’t think I will ever understand federal laws, I just obey them.

General rule of thumb, if your country has federal laws, chances are it is VERY ILLEGAL to make or sell counterfeit/fake goods of any kind. If you’re country does not have a federal laws, chances are your country could care less if you make or sell counterfeit or fake goods.

But there are ways around it also. If it is a look-a-like without the company logo or name is is not considered a fake or counterfeit. You can sell this legally as long as you don’t promote it as the brand name in question. But, if the item has either the company brand logo or name on it anywhere it is considered a fake/counterfeit and it is VERY ILLEGAL to buy or sell. “If it has the brand name or logo on it, it doesn’t even have to resemble the product to be illegal to sell”.

Counterfeiting a brand name is a major federal crime. Trademark and copyright infringement are a huge problem in the USA right now and can come with jail time and/or big fines. There are over one hundred thousand counterfeiting rings that were busted last year.Some people say you are okay if you don’t advertise the brand name. This is only okay if your product doesn’t have a company name or logo on it anywhere. Look-a-likes with out a company name or logo are tolerated if they are not advertised as the brand name product.