Planning for Pet Rats

Now that you have a place that your SoCal Rattery can truly call home, it is now time to pick a rat for you to take home. But what kind of rat is a good rat? When looking for a good pet rat you should first consider the source. Many people would initially think that a pet shop might be an ideal place for you to buy your pet rat, but this not true. The best place to buy your pet rat is from a rat breeder. Most of these rats have been handled with care by the owner since birth and are tame enough to be made pets. Often the rats that you will get from your local pet store are used for snake food and have been under a lot of stress. They are sometimes unhealthy and can be a waste of money if you invest in it.

Also, it is often good to buy pet rats in pairs, as rats can get very lonely when by themselves. Buy rats in same-sex pairs and NOT different sex pair unless you are planning to breed pet rats. Many times, breeders will not sell you a pet rat unless they know that you own another rat that can be there as a companion.

When bringing your pet rat home, be aware that rats are very easily startled. The staple diet for your rat should be lab blocks or homemade grain mix such as “Suebees Diet” or dog food. There are many rat food recipes online. You can also supplement their diet with fresh fruits, veggies, seeds, or cooked beans.

Cleaning should be done at minimum on a weekly basis and daily spot checks need to be made of our rats cage to ensure that the rats conditions remain healthy and sanitary, I recommend buying a second cage for changing purposes to make things easier for you.